"; if ($_GET['action'] == 'bedankt'){ Die ("Je account is aangemaakt.
Controleer je mail om je account te activeren"); } $username = $_POST['username']; $wacht1 = $_POST['wacht1']; $option = $_GET['option']; $action = $_GET['action']; $username = $_POST['username']; $wacht1 = $_POST['wacht1']; $company = $_POST['company']; $btwnr = $_POST['btwnr']; $initials = $_POST['initials']; $name = $_POST['name']; $adress = $_POST['adress']; $nr = $_POST['nr']; $zipcode = $_POST['zipcode']; $city = $_POST['city']; $country = $_POST['country']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $email = $_POST['email']; $code = $_POST['code']; if ($_GET['action'] == 'delcart'){ $newquery = "DELETE FROM basket WHERE clientid='".$_SESSION['usr_id']."'"; $newresult = mysql_query($newquery); print " "; } if ($_GET['action'] == 'reguser'){ $timestamp=time(); $testquery = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'"; $testresult = mysql_query($testquery); $testcount = mysql_num_rows($testresult); if ($testcount == '0'){ $newquery = "INSERT INTO users SET username = '$username', password = '$wacht1', company = '$company', btwnr = '$btwnr', initials = '$initials', name = '$name', adress = '$adress', nr = '$nr', zipcode = '$zipcode', city = '$city', country = '$country', phone = '$phone', mobile = '$mobile', email = '$email', checkcode = '$code', timestamp = '$timestamp'"; $newresult = mysql_query($newquery); $query = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE name = 'rmail'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $obj = mysql_fetch_object($result); // email naar nieuwe user sturen. $site_name = $site.".nl"; $datum = date(" l d-m-Y H:i"); $to = "$email"; $body = str_replace("\n", "
", $body); $subject = "Registratie Atelier Jan Stallen"; $message = " Beste $initials $name
U heeft zich aangemeld voor de Jan Stallen webshop.
Hierbij ontvangt u de activatie code.

Klik op de onderstaande link om u account te activeren.

Mocht de link niet werken, ga dan naar http://www.jan-stallen.com/activate.php en voer u code in.
Uw code is: $code.

Het is niet mogelijk op deze mail terug te reageren.

Met vriendelijke groet.

Jan Stallen.
"; $hders = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $hders .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; $hders .= "From: \"Atelier Jan Stallen\" \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $hders) or die("ERROR: Email could not be sent.
"); Die ("Je account is aangemaakt.
Controleer je mail om je account te activeren"); print " "; } else { print "   Deze gebruikersnaam bestaat al, kies een andere.!"; } } if ($_GET['option'] == '') { // check to display login form or shopingcart if (session_is_registered("usr_loginname")) { // Display login screen or user data $aantalquery = "SELECT * FROM basket where clientid ='".$_SESSION['usr_id']."'"; $aantalresult = mysql_query($aantalquery) or die(mysql_error()); while ($aantalobj = mysql_fetch_array($aantalresult)){ $aantal = $aantal+$aantalobj[aantal]; $pricequery = "SELECT * FROM shopitems where id = $aantalobj[itemid]"; $priceresult = mysql_query($pricequery); $priceobj = mysql_fetch_array($priceresult); $totalprice = $totalprice+($aantalobj[aantal]*$priceobj[price]); } $totalprice1 = rtrim($totalprice,'0..9'); $totalprice1 = rtrim($totalprice1,'.'); $totalprice2 = ltrim($totalprice,'0..9'); if ($totalprice1 == '') { $totalprice1 = $totalprice; } if ($totalprice1 >= '1'){ if ($totalprice2 == '') { $totalprice2 = '.00'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.1'){ $totalprice2 = '.10'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.2'){ $totalprice2 = '.20'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.3'){ $totalprice2 = '.30'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.4'){ $totalprice2 = '.40'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.5'){ $totalprice2 = '.50'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.6'){ $totalprice2 = '.60'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.7'){ $totalprice2 = '.70'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.8'){ $totalprice2 = '.80'; } if ($totalprice2 == '.9'){ $totalprice2 = '.90'; } } // print "
"; print ""; print ""; // print ""; if (!isset($aantal)) { $aantal = 0; } if (!isset($totalprice1)) { $totalprice1 = 0; } if (!isset($totalprice2)) { $totalprice2 = 00; } print ""; print ""; // print ""; print ""; print "
Artikelen: ".$aantal."
Totaal prijs: ".$totalprice1.$totalprice2."  

"; print "Toon Winkelwagen"; print "Leeg Winkelwagen"; print "Logout"; print "Mijn gegevens"; print "
"; }else{ print "
\n"; // print "
"; print ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; if ($foutlogin == "ja") { print ""; } if ($foutlogin2 == "ja") { print ""; } print "
Gebruikersnaam  \n"; print "
Wachtwoord  \n"; print "
Login mislukt
Account niet actief
"; // print "\n"; print ""; print ""; print "Registreer"; print "Wachtwoord vergeten?\n"; print "
"; } } if ($_GET['option'] == 'register') { // Register a new user // Start PHP inclusions include('../UserFiles/config.php'); include('../UserFiles/settings.php'); ?> "; $query = "SELECT username FROM users"; $result = mysql_query($query); print "
Aanmelden nieuwe klant
Controle wachtwoord*
BTW Nummer (indien van toepassing)

* deze gegevens zijn verplicht
"; } ?>